Ryan Knutson: Yousef started DMing one of the FaZe streamers and in 2011, when he was 14, he got invited to join the group. Yousef Abdelfattah: The best way for me to compare it is like the Harlem Globe Trotters, people that have crazy skills, but they're not professional players in the sport. Speaker 3: Why are you so good, dude? Honestly, you are annoyingly amazing at this game. So they were basically creating a new way to play the game. It was all trying to do things that people have never done before. It was just freestyle, like tricks, and it was all skill.
Yousef Abdelfattah: It's all about flashy stuff. They mostly played first-person shooter games like Call of Duty.Ī lot of people posted video game highlights on YouTube, but what made these guys different was how they played. Ryan Knutson: The boys call themselves FaZe Clan. Yousef Abdelfattah: I was just obsessed and I'd be on the YouTube refreshing every day, waiting for them to drop another video. Ryan Knutson: A little over a decade ago, a teenager named Yousef Abdelfattah started watching videos on YouTube of a group of boys playing video games. This version may not be in its final form and may be updated. This transcript was prepared by a transcription service.